In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pt
%matplotlib inline

In this activity, we will find the optimizer of functions in 1d using two iterative methods. For each one, you should be thinking about cost and convergence rate.

The iterative methods below can be applied to more complex equations, but here we will use a simple polynomial function of the form:

$$f(x) = a x^4 + b x^3 + c x^2 + d x + e $$

The code snippet below provides the values for the constants, and functions to evaluate $f(x)$, $f'(x)$ and $f''(x)$.

In [2]:
a = 17.09
b = 9.79
c = 0.6317
d = 0.9324
e = 0.4565

def f(x):
    return a*x**4 + b*x**3 + c*x**2 + d*x + e

def df(x):
    return 4*a*x**3 + 3*b*x**2 + 2*c*x + d

def d2f(x):
    return 3*4*a*x**2 + 2*3*b*x + 2*c

xmesh = np.linspace(-1, 0.5, 100)
pt.ylim([-1, 3])
pt.plot(xmesh, f(xmesh))
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x106901eb8>]
In [3]:
# # You can later uncomment this code snippet and run the algorithms for a different function

# def f(x): 
#     return -2 + x + 2*x**2 - x**3

# def df(x):
#     return 1 + 4*x - 3*x**2

# def d2f(x):
#     return 4 - 6*x

# xmesh = np.linspace(-2,3, 200)
# pt.plot(xmesh, f(xmesh))
# pt.ylim([-4, 4]);

Golden Section Search

In [4]:
tau = (np.sqrt(5)-1)/2

# a0 = -0.9
# b0 = -0.2

b0 = 1
h_k = b0 - a0  

x1 = a0 + (1-tau) * h_k
x2 = a0 + tau * h_k
f1 = f(x1)
f2 = f(x2)

errors = [np.abs(h_k)]
count = 0

while (count < 30 and np.abs(h_k) > 1e-6):
    if  f1>f2:
        a0 = x1
        x1 = x2
        f1 = f2
        h_k = b0-a0
        x2 = a0 + tau * h_k
        f2 = f(x2)
        b0 = x2
        x2 = x1
        f2 = f1
        h_k = b0-a0
        x1 = a0 + (1-tau) * h_k
        f1 = f(x1)        
    print("%10g \t %10g \t %12g %12g" % (a0, b0, errors[-1], errors[-1]/errors[-2]))
-0.8541019662496847 -0.1458980337503153
 -0.854102 	          1 	       1.8541     0.618034
 -0.854102 	   0.291796 	       1.1459     0.618034
 -0.854102 	  -0.145898 	     0.708204     0.618034
 -0.583592 	  -0.145898 	     0.437694     0.618034
 -0.583592 	  -0.313082 	      0.27051     0.618034
 -0.583592 	  -0.416408 	     0.167184     0.618034
 -0.519733 	  -0.416408 	     0.103326     0.618034
 -0.480267 	  -0.416408 	    0.0638587     0.618034
 -0.480267 	    -0.4408 	    0.0394669     0.618034
 -0.465192 	    -0.4408 	    0.0243919     0.618034
 -0.465192 	  -0.450117 	     0.015075     0.618034
 -0.459433 	  -0.450117 	   0.00931686     0.618034
 -0.459433 	  -0.453675 	   0.00575814     0.618034
 -0.457234 	  -0.453675 	   0.00355872     0.618034
 -0.455875 	  -0.453675 	   0.00219941     0.618034
 -0.455875 	  -0.454515 	   0.00135931     0.618034
 -0.455356 	  -0.454515 	  0.000840101     0.618034
 -0.455035 	  -0.454515 	  0.000519211     0.618034
 -0.455035 	  -0.454714 	   0.00032089     0.618034
 -0.455035 	  -0.454836 	  0.000198321     0.618034
 -0.454959 	  -0.454836 	  0.000122569     0.618034
 -0.454959 	  -0.454883 	  7.57518e-05     0.618034
  -0.45493 	  -0.454883 	  4.68172e-05     0.618034
  -0.45493 	  -0.454901 	  2.89346e-05     0.618034
  -0.45493 	  -0.454912 	  1.78826e-05     0.618034
 -0.454923 	  -0.454912 	   1.1052e-05     0.618034
 -0.454923 	  -0.454916 	  6.83054e-06     0.618034
  -0.45492 	  -0.454916 	  4.22151e-06     0.618034
 -0.454919 	  -0.454916 	  2.60903e-06     0.618034
 -0.454919 	  -0.454917 	  1.61247e-06     0.618034
 -0.454919 	  -0.454918 	  9.96562e-07     0.618034

Newton's method in 1D

Let's fix an initial guess:

In [5]:
#Let's use 
x_exact = -0.4549

x_exact = -0.21525 
In [6]:
x = 0.5
In [7]:
dfx = df(x)
d2fx = d2f(x)

# carry out the Newton step
xnew = x - dfx / d2fx

# plot approximate function
pt.plot(xmesh, f(xmesh))
pt.plot(xmesh, f(x) + dfx*(xmesh-x) + d2fx*(xmesh-x)**2/2)
pt.plot(x, f(x), "o", color="red")
pt.plot(xnew, f(xnew), "o", color="green")
#pt.ylim([-1, 3])

# update
x = xnew
In [8]:
x = 0.2
x = -0.6
errors = [x]
r = 2

for i in range(30):
    dfx = df(x)
    d2fx = d2f(x)
    xnew = x - dfx / d2fx
    if np.abs(xnew-x) < 1e-6:
    x = xnew
    print(" %10g %12g" % (x, errors[-1]) )
  -0.499162     0.283912
  -0.460863     0.245613
  -0.455047     0.239797
  -0.454918     0.239668

Using scipy library

In [9]:
import scipy.optimize as sopt
In [10]:
In [11]:
x0 = 2
sopt.minimize(f, x0)
      fun: -0.02668057317931294
 hess_inv: array([[0.05883205]])
      jac: array([3.7252903e-08])
  message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
     nfev: 51
      nit: 13
     njev: 17
   status: 0
  success: True
        x: array([-0.45491836])
In [12]:
x0 = (-8,2)